Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hall Table

After many requests and many pesky people I am showing more furniture on my blog (since it is the name of the blog). This first piece is a hall table that I made and am some what happy with. I have decided that the problem with making all of my own furniture is that I see all of the mistakes. It is all I see when I look at it. My parents have told me several time not to point them out and that nobody would know. So that is what I am going to do.
This table is my first attempt at using veneers. I really enjoyed the project and I plan on continuing to use them in my furniture. The table is made out of Pear wood and Maple wood. The pear wood comes from the same tree that many of the wooden panels in the conference center come from. I developed this design to challenge myself more that just what the assignment called for. I also made the bow tie inlays in the apron just because I had never done an inlay and I wanted to try it.
You can't see the legs very well but each leg was made differently. I used a different method of tapering for each of the legs. For one leg I used a table saw, another I used the jointer, and the last one I used hand planes. This last one was the hardest I had to get the leg perfect and I must say it turned out the best. The hand planes really brought out the grain pattern and figure of the wood. This table currently resides next to our couches where is sees a lot of use.


Anonymous said...

That is a great table. I really like all the detail you have put into it. Great job Chris, I can't wait to see more.


Syl said...

I am really REALLY glad you are putting some of your projects on line! They are so great and I love seeing them. You really have a talent for wood, Chris.

Lonna said...

That is a good looking table. I think that is pretty amazing that it was your first time using the wood inlays. It is really beautiful.

Tannie Smith said...

That is really pretty. You sure are talented Chris!