Monday, November 2, 2009

House Update

Well I thought I should put on here the progress of our house because everybody keeps asking me. Well we have done everything that needs to be done on our part. We picked all of our colors and upgrades (and we didn't fight once over the choices, in fact we both really enjoyed it). We have got our loan approved and decided and every other little thing that we needed to do. Now the builders (Fieldstone homes) are getting the permits and will start building as soon as they come in (Usually about 4-6 weeks). All we have left on our part is to meet with the contractors when they ask us to and to go look at our house get built. So as soon as we have more than an empty lot we will take pictures and post them. On a side note I realized the other day that I now know the size of my Shop (the Garage) and I can now design it how I want to. Which is becoming the highlight of my week.

Completely different subject just so you all know I am having surgery on Friday. What kind of surgery you ask well think of my mother (that's right mom I blame you) and what she passed on to me and several other kids and what do you get. BAD SINUS'S. So it has now gotten to the point that I have to have sinus surgery. Oh well I look forward to being able to breath with both sides of my nose at the same time (I have not been able to do so since I was in high school).


Syl said...

Great news on your home update! Bad new about your sinuses! sorry about that....

Becky said...

Um...I am REALLY sorry you have to have that. Not a fun surgery. Maybe I will send candy.

Brian and Alicia said...

I didn't realize you guys were buying/building a house. That is sooo awesome! Congratulations! I'm sorry to hear about your sinuses, hope the surgery goes well!!

Leslie said...

I hope the surgery goes well, hooray for breathing! Sounds like the house is coming along, I can't wait to see what you have come up with.