Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wired Monkey

We went to the UVU Kid Halloween Party tonight. Here is Ethan in his monkey costume. The banana was sewn into the pocket, but he threw a fit so I cut it out. He had fun looking at all the people and especially the balloons. He also had some cookies, some from mom and some from dad. Apparently he had way too many for a monkey his size. The video below is proof of what happens when you feed a monkey boy too many cookies. Imagine him laughing like this for two straight hours. Everything was funny and he was moving non-stop. We've learned our lesson. Only one piece of candy on Halloween Night. Otherwise we're in for round two of the Wired Monkey.


Becky said...

Fast crawler! I love his laugh. And the costume. Fun.

Syl said...

What a cute little monkey! His laugh is so funny and precious, I am so glad you captured it on film!

Brian and Alicia said...

How cute! Bryten is going to be a monkey for halloween too. I will have to post pics when we get them!

Leslie said...

Love the costume, what a darling little monkey you have! So grown up too. And what is going through the trouble of wearing a costume if there isn't any candy involved? though really, Liv is wired like that without the candy. And we all know you're just waiting to raid
the loot at the end of the night. :)

The lot looks great too!