Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well as many of you know I had sinus surgery in the beginning of November. I was healing fine and not having any major problems and then our family caught a cold. Now normally a cold will not bother me very much but this one really hurt. It felt like I had just had the surgery again and I was wiped out for a week. It was not fun. It actually did put my healing back several weeks and so my nose is still bleeding after a month. Now I know it is not pretty and that is why I have not taken a picture of it but so that I can keep working and doing stuff when I have a nose bled (which I get often) I stick a tissue up my nose. It helps. Well it has fascinated Ethan and if he gets hold of a tissue he will try to put it up his nose. Hence the pictures. He is just trying to be like dad.
On another note it is my birthday today and you know it is time to update your blog when every call you get wishing you a "happy birthday" also has an "update your blog" comment with it. So here. I will also be posting more now because our house is progressing more. But that is a different post.


Becky said...

Ethan is so funny. I guess kids have to try everything. Hopefully he sticks to tissues and doesn't progress to toys...

Syl said...

that is SO funny! I am glad you caught it in a picture!

Lonna said...

I will make sure not to show this post to my kids. I think that with Gwen using the potty she takes a fair share of the toilet paper already. And you know if they see something like this they will try it, and most of the time it will be in public.

I think that is so funny that Ethan caught on to that, and did it himself. Too funny.