Friday, September 18, 2009

Mexico 2 X'carat

One of the first things we did was go to a place called X'Carrat. It is a preserve that was really fun to see and go around in. They had 2 man made rivers that you can snorkel down and see a lot of cool stuff. Then around the park they had a lot of historic Mexican recreations. In the picture above I am standing next to the playing field of an old Mayan game that you play with your hips. Later that day we got to see them actually play the game.
Below is a picture of Rene' next to some parrots. They were everywhere. For those of you can't find them they are green and over her shoulder.
At the end of the day we went to there show and saw them put on this really cool play of their history. This is where we saw the hip game and then they also played a game that was like hockey without the skates and where they lit the ball on fire. It was really fun to watch.
X'Carat also had some manatees and Rene' loved them we watched them for a long time and them we got this video.


Syl said...

Wow! Those manatee's were so cool! What a fun vacation you had!

Becky said...

The manatee's look different than what I thought. I wouldn't have known what it was without you saying so. Is the hip game the same one as in "Road to El Dorado"?