To read my blog you have to realize several things. #1. I am not nice to look at but luckily René, Ethan, and Maggie are so therefore most pictures will be of them. #2. I can not spell and I don't have very good grammar, if this bothers you then don't read my blog. #3. I will be posting completed furniture projects on this blog and I expect lots of adoration for my craftsmanship. So without any further a due I give you FurnitureBarlows.blogspot.com
Way to go Ethan! I am sure you built that all by yourself with Dad only giving you suggestions!
I am jealous. I think you owe me half of that set.
Wow that is one talented boy!
Of course he is already building up houses and buildings, I mean who doesn't love Lincon Logs.
How fun to have your childhood toys back again after such a long separation, I am sure that Ethan will enjoy them for a long time.
What a lot of fun Daddy time
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