Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fun Pics 1

These are just some fun pictures from the last couple months. Above is Ethan using the numbchuck from the wii as a cell phone. Below is if Rene or I go into the bathroom Ethan tries to get us under the door.
Here is Ethan two best friends. They live next door and they all enjoy playing together.
Ethan likes to hide under the table I made and use it as a fort. He will drag toys there and play for up to 30 min at a time.
This next one is the last time I left tissues within reach of the baby.


Brent said...

I loved all the pictures and the drumming, but the cutest had to be the hand under the door!

Thanks for sharing!


Syl said...

What great pictures! I love the hand under the door!

Lonna said...

he is getting so big, I can hardly believe it. I like that he has his own special places to play...I wonder what he is going to do when the toy box it too little for him to climb in, maybe he will wear it on his head?

If that is what happens with tissues you better move the wipes as well.