Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Food Storage Breakfast

On Saturday we made a breakfast with food storage recipes and items. I got the recipe for the pancakes from Syl. It is delicious and we all love it (including Ethan who can eats them like candy). We even used wheat floor in them so they were even more healthy. I would have made them sooner, but I had to find dehydrated shortening (my can actually says shortening powder). I had never even heard of that, let alone bought it. The recipe is flour (I used half wheat flour and you would never know - it takes that good), powdered milk, powdered eggs, powdered shortening, salt, and baking powder. Then all you do is add water. It's SO easy and SO good. We aren't the only ones who think so. Syl has given the recipe to most of the family and they seem to love it, too. We made pancakes and then tried scrambled eggs using the powdered eggs. Chris didn't like the eggs at all. I thought they were okay. And Ethan LOVED them. He ate all of Chris'. It was really fun to use our food storage and make something that we would actual eat (we might not do powdered scrambled eggs very often, but we did at least eat them).

Besides the pancake recipes, I have also been researching and slowly doing more food storage. I have always wanted to "do" food storage. But it always intimidated me and our apartment is too small to store a lot of it. But I have solved both of those problems! We will be in a house soon (they told us last week that it should be around March) and I found an awesome website that doesn't make me scared of food storage any more. Here is the link to it. You should check it out. This website links three separate blogs together that each deal with a different part of food storage. One for planning it, one for buying it, and one for eating it. This way you can focus on one thing at a time and then move on to others. I love it! I actually bought the recipe book for the "eat it" blog and I am going to buy the ebook from the "plan it" blog soon. They focus on the basics and then go into more details. I have started doing some of it and now I'm not as scared to "do" food storage.


Syl said...

Way to go René! I am proud of both you for buying and using food storage!

Lonna said...

I am impressed. I am telling James all the time that I want to build up our food storage, but it never really happens at the rate I would like.
Way to go. I think that I will be checking out those sites.