Thursday, July 10, 2008

Introducing Ethan Christopher Barlow

Here are some pictures. I will update when I can. This is right after they took him of the respirator. He his breathing really well on his own. What he has on right now is a mask that just makes it a little easier to breath but it does not actually breath for him. Mom and dad have some pictures with him on a respirator.
For those of you who don't know or haven't heard the whole story I will post it later. Right now I am in a hurry.
Rene' is doing a lot better. Her vision is returning and she was finally able to see a picture of him.
Please notice the cleft chin he gets this from Rene', if you look at me all you see is fat.

My hand in not right next to him. I was far away and I did not notice until I was gone. My had goes from his neck to his knees.


Syl said...

Our family has more than it's share of miracles...beginning with London and Madelyn and now Rene & Ethan! Welcome to our family Ethan.

Brent said...

It's been a long day getting this little guy here and making sure René is okay. Well worth it in the end!

Anonymous said...

Cute kid, I see a little chirs in there


Anonymous said...

He is a cute kid, welcome to the family Ethan!! He looks like both of you. Congrats. to both of you.


Lonna said...

What a little trooper, I think that he looks so tiny and cute. Rene you are an amazing woman. Congrats.