Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bath #2

This is Ethan's second bath. I gave him his first one when Rene' had a cold sore so she couldn't see him and so we didn't get any pictures of that bath. So I took some of his second one which Rene' gave him. When I gave him his bath he loved it and was really happy in the water, the nurse was very good at helping and teaching me how to bath him. When Rene' gave him his bath it was a different nurse and not nearly as good. She didn't put enough water in the tub so he was very cold and instead of helping Rene' she did other stuff. So Ethan was not happy in his second bath but here are his pictures.
I think that this picture below is really cute. He looks so pathetic, he had quite the ordeal with this bath and it was not something that he wanted to repeat.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed, I hated giving my infants baths let alone one in the hospital at the time! Way to go Renee! I honestly considered bathing them one of the hardest choirs with children the rest is a breeze compared to that trama!


Syl said...

Good pictures Chris! I love seeing you and Rene holding him and this bath was really cute.