Sunday, July 13, 2008

Family Portrait

Here is our first family portrait. This is the first time that Rene' or I got to hold him and the first time that Rene' got to see him. He really does not like to be bundled up. He constantly fought the blanket and after much struggle and work he got his hand free.
I think Rene' and Ethan were having a competition on who could have the most wires and cords attached to them. The problem is I don't know who won.


Becky said...

I find it funny, the different poses Ethan likes to sleep in! That is funny that Rene was the same!

Syl said...

What beautiful family pictures! I am so happy you both got to hold Ethan and be together as a family! That is wonderful! It is fun to see what family traits get passed on to our children. You Chris, are so much like your father!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm so glad you guys got to hold Ethan. Everyone is amazed at how well Ethan is doing. My mother in law (who had two premie's) is blown away at how fast he is recoverying. congrats! My kids keeps asking to see the new cousin on the computer. I think for awhile they thought just Liesel got a new cousin (not sure where that came from) but now they are all excited Ethan is out of his mommys belly. :)


Leslie said...

Oh my gosh I am so excited to hear about Ethan's progress. The first time we got to see the twins' faces without ventillators, etc. I started crying! I am so glad you got to hold him too. There is nothing like that. I tell you, these babies are stronger than anyone could ever imagine. I still look at my girls and remember the Olympian strength they brought with them the day they were born. I am so excited for the two of you to be parents, you are so amazing. We continue to pray for mom and baby's safe recovery and we can't wait to see you in August. Thanks for posting so many updates, it has brought flashbacks but eventually all our premies can sit around the campfire and tell stories about their NICU experiences. :) Like how L & M would somehow arch their backs just right and manage to get themselves off the ventillators! Over and over again we would get phone calls from the nurses about it. Finally they just took them off and they breathed fine on their own! Mischievous from the start. I love to see Ethan's little personality emerge already too. He is darling!!