Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Finally the circle is complete

I have finally given in to family pressure. I have created a blog! To read my blog you have to realize several things. 1. I am not nice to look at but luckily Rene' is so therefore most pictures will be of her. 2. I can not spell and I don't have very good grammer, if this bothers you then don't read my blog. 3. I will be posting completed furniture projects on this blog and I expect lots of adoration for my craftsmanship. So without any further a due I give you FurnitureBarlows.blogspot.com


Lonna said...

WELCOME!!! You do realize that this is the perfect time to start a blog because we are so excited to see the documentation of your bundle of joy, no Chris not your tools, the baby.

Anonymous said...

I'm still looking for the pictures of Rene... I'm sure you'll be posting them soon. I'll keep checking back to correct your words, I mean read them. :) Love, your auntie fancy nancy